dell'Arte Opera Ensemble, NY
Director: Eve Summer
Conductor: John Spencer IV
Scenic Design: Meganne George
Costume Design: Carly Bradt
Lighting Design: Scott Schneider
Metamorphosis Orchestra
Photos: Brian Long

Le nozze di Figaro at dell’Arte Opera Ensemble

"Le nozze di Figaro was definitely the highlight of the festival... Nozze was fresh and delicious, thanks to a solid cast of singers and wise direction choices....the direction...[did] justice to the theatrical twists and turns of the plot...The nine-year-old girl sitting behind us... was quite thoroughly entertained. At the end of the show we overheard her saying: 'Best night ever!' Not once did her attention fade as she was glued to the action all night. And so were we...great pacing and verve."
Allegri con Fuoco

"The performance moved right along without a single longueur. In terms of musical values, nothing more could be wanted. Direction by Eve Summer matched the music-making in tempo. Actions were all well-motivated."
Voce di meche

"...the intention was for the action to be based on 18th century reality, but also easily transferred to the current day. I credit Stage Director Eve Summer with this easy timelessness, as well as with the commitment each singer showed to every line of music."