Stage Director/Choreographer: Eve Summer
Conductor: Austin Mc Williams
Scenic Design: R. Little
Costume Design: Glenn Avery Breed
Lighting Design: Keith Oberfeld
HWMU Design: Aynsley Douglas
Fight Choreography: Jacob Theo Squire
Photos Gentle Grace Photography, Joel Bissell

Cast: Drake Dantzler, Jennie Judd Reyes, Andrew Potter, Steven Condy, Diane Schoff, Branden Hood, Trent Broussard, Lexi Galla, Lily Belle Czartorski, Avalon Cutts-Jones

The Pirates of Penzance at Opera Grand Rapids

“The Pirates of Penzance Charms, Entertains. Opera Grand Rapids' staging of Pirates of Penzance, far from a museum piece, reveals the humor and charm pumping through the show's heart... Gilbert and Sullivan's comedies, by contrast ['to ostensibly serious theatre'] seem light as air - but levitation is no mean feat. ...The Pirates of Penzance, recently put on by Opera Grand Rapids, practically floated across the stage... it had audience members laughing, genuinely laughing - not because they wanted to appear smart, but because they couldn't help it ...Opera Grand Rapids staged one of its most enjoyable shows. Long may its black flag fly.
John Kissane for The Rapidian